Friday, July 27, 2012

Korean TV

I think it's weird how happy Korean commercials make me. With American commercials, I'm like "Change the channel now!" when they come on. Yet goofy Korean commercials make me smile.

Maybe I'm taken back in time to when I was a kid. I remember sitting on the floor in front of a low table with my mom and her friends while they played cards. Then after a while, I would end up lying down on the floor and I would drift off to sleep to the sound of Korean ballads or badly recorded Korean TV shows.

My mom would wake me up and shove more bulgogi and kimbap down my throat and I would eat kimchi until my breath stunk, then I'd eat rice candies while we rode the ferry home. It just seems like every time I was around my mom's Korean friends, there would be food, food, and more food.

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