Sunday, July 22, 2012

Triberr: The Bad Rap

I have used Triberr, but I think it's gotten such a bad reputation that I'm no longer going to be able to use it :(

I go through and read every single blog that I decide to repost from, but just having the Triberr link attached makes people not want to check out the sites. From now on, I think I'm just going to go through the various posts and do direct relinks from them instead. I'm sorry to Triberr because I hate dropping a product, especially one that does an excellent job, but something needs to be done.

Some people simply get infuriated by the Triberr name and they'll automatically drop anyone that uses it. I think I've already lost five followers on Twitter and I know I've lost one. Why? Because Triberr is a super spam tool, so it's pretty good that most people think that Triberr is the spammer and not their friend.


  1. Hi Harper,
    It's Dan from Triberr. I think it's great that you're listening to what your followers want.

    I wouldn't say that Triberr is a super spam tool. I would say that Triberr can be used for spam if it's abused, but then again it can be used quite responsibly too.

    For me, I've seen nothing but growth in the number of followers I have on Twitter (@dancristo) and I use Triberr quite a bit.

    I think the big reason for my success there is because I am incredibly picky on what I share. I have 424 tribemates, but I only share the top 3 or 4 posts a day. Because are always great posts my followers attribute Triberr tweets with quality.

    I do know of people who send hundreds of tweets a day. They approve anything and everything. That's a spammy way of doing it, and it's no wonder their followers see Triberr and think it's a spam tool. Fact is, it's what you make it.

    Sounds like your followers are asking you to dial down your Triberr posting. That's fine. However it seems strange to never use the tool. Why not just use it like an RSS reader to discover new content from your tribemates? Maybe editing a tweet to explain why you are sharing it before approving it would work as well.

    Just a few ideas.

    1. Hey Dan :)

      I actually really like Triberr because it's brought my attention to sites I otherwise wouldn't have come across. But for some reason, people just see the "" link and get mad. I've gotten several DMs from people that are angry about them.

      I might have been a bit overboard with Triberr at first, but after the first two days I dialed it way back. Still, some other people really abuse the system, like for a while there my Twitter stream was really being hit hard. Even though that's pretty much stopped, some people are still holding a grudge.

      I look at every single post I send out and I edit what they say, though I wish the link would stay on the post when I edit it. Instead I have to copy/paste it on the end.

      I feel bad that Triberr is getting a bad rap because of some overzealous users. I think it's a great tool, because otherwise I just Tweet anything as I see it, which means 900 observations at one time. Maybe you guys could offer the use of different short links?


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