Tuesday, August 21, 2012

EXCERPT: Diamond Desmond, by Sol Crafter [mm contemporary romance]

Title: Diamond Desmond
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: contemporary mm romance
Rating of excerpt: G
Synopsis: It was a widely held belief that Noah lived a perfect life.
Hard as nails, calm and coolly collected, he showed up to work in his suits worth thousands of dollars and he was the untouchable golden boy. There wasn't a single doubt that his life outside of work had to be absolutely perfect.
He was Noah Desmond. Diamond Desmond. There was no way his life could be anything less than perfect.
What no one at the office knew was just how lonely being "perfect" could be.
Which is how he'd found himself at Lonny's Lounge on a Friday night, freshly showered and dressed as casually as he could manage, which wasn't very considering the kinds of clothes he kept in his closet. 

I'll be shopping this baby around shortly. I don't want to have to self-pub because I have no idea for the cover :/  Still, my current golden child.


It was one of those days when he wanted to fling furniture around, have a screaming fit, then retreat to the quiet of his house where he would slug back expensive scotch and lounge on his giant, wonderful bed. Instead Noah stared down at the folder spread out in front of him, his eyes scanning back and forth across the endless rows of tiny black letters.
His current associate had highlighted what was supposed to be pertinent information and there was a typed up summary of everything, but that didn't mean a whole lot to him right now. It was quickly approaching zero hour and he still didn't know what kind of angle they were going to be able to work.
"So what's going on in here?"
Noah lifted his head and gave Evan Lipinski a coolly disinterested look. "Why are you here?" He glanced around the other man's shoulder and saw that his personal assistant, Monika Stryker, was away from her desk. His lips pursed slightly in annoyance.
Evan's grin was filled with more than a healthy dose of smarm. Even when he was trying to be his nicest and most trustworthy, he practically had the word SLEAZE tattooed across his forehead. He did not look like the kind of person anyone should even think about trusting.
"Just thought I'd come around and see what you were doing. Maybe there's something I could help you with. I hear you've got the Henderson file." Evan's smile featured slightly crooked teeth. "I want in."
Evan Lipinski wasn't anyone's idea of handsome. He was a short, balding Jewish man of Italian descent with a crooked nose and a smart mouth. In his flashy red jacket, Noah couldn't help thinking that he looked like some kind of bug, his shoulders rounded and his head shiny. His eyebrows looked like black feelers attached to his face, wiggling and waggling expressively.
"I don't need you," Noah said, firmly. Evan opened his mouth to object, so Noah rolled right over what he was trying to say, "I don't want you."
"Now that's really just very unfair," Evan complained in his nasally voice. "I could be a great help on this case and you shouldn't always be the one grabbing all the glory."
"I'm not trying to grab the glory," Noah said. He smiled and cocked his head, his eyes locked on Evan's face. "It always just seems to find me. I'm still waiting to find something to challenge me. It's probably why I haven't lost a case in close to six years."
Noah loved the expression Evan was wearing, that just kicked look of ouch. It made him want to take another shot at the man just because he could and because he knew Evan could take it. Say what you would about him--that he was sleazy, devious, distasteful--Evan knew how to take a verbal hit and give back just as good as he got.
He really did have a quite clever mind, though his mouth sometimes got ahead of his brain. Then it was a joy watching him scramble around, trying to find his verbal balance in whatever argument.

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