Thursday, June 28, 2012

Things on my mind: Heroes & Villains

"Heroes & Villains" is my baby, if you didn't know. I just have such a fondness for superheroes that I just had to do it. I had to share the stories that were bubbling up out of my brain.

And my first attempt at that? Why, it's my Magnum opus "Heroes & Villains." I know it's pretentious, but that's kind of how I feel. There was this amazingly difficult undertaking and I went out and I got it done. I felt like Spike must have felt when he passed the tests and got his soul.

Like I could take on a troll with a flashlight.

Now I have to get the rest of the story out there because it's not finished.

"Heroes & Villains" is only when Vereint and Warrick meet, it's not the end of the story. It's the beginning.

It always makes me laugh and shake my head when people just kind of assume that once a couple gets married and settles down... their life is over with. Because it's not. There are stories after the story that are sometimes just as entertaining, if not more entertaining than the big ones.

Though I'm not saying "Allies & Enemies" won't be a big one. It is probably the biggest one with so much angst and vindication that it makes me kind of nervous. That is a stick of dynamite ready to go off, and it's bringing along the fucking awesome.

I want so bad to gush about "Allies" and just bring up all kinds of cool things but I can't. Not if I don't want to spoil the story. But I am terrible at keeping secrets and it's driving me crazy.

I've had a lot of fun building the world of "Heroes & Villains." There's just something so cool about a bunch of people with amazing powers just living like normal guys.

In the world of "Heroes & Villains" supervillains are all over the place doing all kinds of things, and sure, people get upset about the murder, but the metability is just a method to do it. Like a hammer or a gun.

No matter what happens, people are always going to find some way of killing each other. So how different would the world really be just because someone has an in-built weapon?

I think maybe there would be a bit more crime for a while, then things would settle back down.

Someone might be a villain with the ability to set things on fire with their mind, but they've gotta sleep some time. And there are always people ready to overthrow an empire or stop a bad guy. It just is what it is.

So in "Heroes & Villains" there are heroes and there are villains and there are a bunch of regular people just living their lives. And for the most part everyone just lives out their regular lives and no one freaks out about seeing a flying man.

There are some famous heroes as there are famous FBI agents. And some of them have side jobs as models and actors and whatever, using their hero fame to make a living.

Villains are just guys running around causing trouble and committing crimes. And when they get caught, they go to jail or get executed or lobotomized, but it's after a fair trial and a fair assessment of their abilities and the danger they are to the public at large.

It's not really made a big deal of in any of my stories, but my personal view of things is that there are heroes, villains, superheroes, and supervillains. They are completely different classes.

A hero is like a cop and a villain is like a petty criminal. Meanwhile, a superhero is the top of the heap, being both savior and celebrity, while a supervillain is a big time bad guy.

To me, Darkstar was mostly a villain. He was happy with stealing some money and having some fun. Then there were the times that he hurt or killed people, but that was mostly circumstance forcing him into the situation. He never set out to hurt anyone, he was just having fun.

In "Allies & Enemies" though, things take a turn and he becomes more of a supervillain than he's ever been before.

Like he's actually kind of freaking me out now and there's a real question of how far he would be willing to go if pushed.

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