Thursday, June 28, 2012

Angel dream, Blue Dreams, Little Boy Blue

I had this dream one time that I was flying in the sky and everything was so bright and I was just happy.

I had big white wings and I was flapping and flying around, then all these other angel-people showed up and they were flying with me and it was nice.

Then I just suddenly noticed that all the wings were different colors -- white, red, black.

I asked one of the other angels what it meant and he looked at me and told me the colors denoted the order of angel, of what they did.

White for order, the guys who keep everything running smoothly. They're the bureaucrats and the law makers.

Red the enforcers that bring the hurt on. They are the law.

Black the highest, the ones that give all the orders. They're the bosses.

And flying up there, it didn't seem so weird. The idea stuck in my head and I brought it back with me.

It was a case of a dream affecting the way I perceive the world. My brain gave me a message the only way it knew how. It took all this different imagery and fashioned a story that changed my life.

Science and a miracle.

It was shortly after that that I started writing "Little Boy Blue," which then preceded to go in a completely different direction than I intended. But that's what happens when you write without a plan, just let the words flow through you and take you where they may.

Free form writing is beautiful because it's like I'm reading the story with you. We're going on this journey together and neither one of us knows where we'll end up.

I get occasional whispers from my back brain, but it's like I'm Cassandra telling the future. No one believes me and things keep going as they will.  To triumph or tragedy, who really knows.

Like even now I'm scared to finish "Residual Blue," the sequel to "Little Boy Blue." Because I've seen the future of that world and it's a terrible one.

I know the story needs to be told, needs to be wrapped up, but I can't seem to make my hands move. The images are in my head of how things play out, but I don't want to be the one to release them out onto the world.

Beautiful and terrible at the same time.

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