A blog by Harper Kingsley, science fiction and fantasy author. Also writes mm romance as Sol Crafter and Linnea Kingsley.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
ARC ONE is completed! From Diamond to Coal, by Sol Crafter.
Go check out "From Diamond to Coal," by Sol Crafter at my FictionPress along with all the other stuff I've got going on there too: http://www.fictionpress.com/~harperkingsley
FDtC is my mm science fiction story that will take you on a cracktastic journey through the mind of a super genius inventor in love with a rather low-key Congressman. Non-explicit sex does take place in the background and there's a bit of swearing, but for the most part it's pretty teen tame. Just a lot of action adventure as they go from meeting, to mecha battles, to assassinations, to having a kid, to just about anything that pops into my brain. There's even an incredible journey through parallel dimensions in the works, though I'm not sure if I'm really serious about that idea or not.
Anyways, already started editing and rewriting Arc One for publication, so that's fun. It should be available in the next few days along with an accompanying short story called "The Boy Next Door," you know, if I don't decide to change the name since it's not set in stone (YET!)
Read the ARC copy of "From Diamond to Coal: Arc One" or keep an eye out for the official version.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Batman Thoughts
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
iCopyright: Great Tool for Writers
What does it do: Controls the ebb and flow of your copyrighted material.
Who it's useful for: Writers, bloggers, anyone with content they would like to protect.
Cost: FREE.
Effect: Earn a bit of money for allowing people to reshare your content on their website, in their newspaper or newsletter, wherever YOU allow them to place it. iCopyright monitors the places where your content ends up so you always know what's happening with your content.
Who sets the service prices: YOU do.
I am totally in love with the iCopyright plugin for WordPress. I'm incredibly happy that I came across it and that it was so easy to use.
You just load in the plugin, input your settings, then at the bottom you can log into the Conductor -- the machine running iCopyright for you. It's free to use, they mail you a check when your services are licensed, and the man himself promised that they don't give away your personal information (your home address, phone number etc, I asked.) All anyone sees is the name of your blog or site and all monetary transactions take place through the iCopyright bar that gets placed on your page.
EXCERPT: Diamond Desmond, by Sol Crafter [mm contemporary romance]
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: contemporary mm romance
Rating of excerpt: G
Synopsis: It was a widely held belief that Noah lived a perfect life.
It was one of those days when he wanted to fling furniture around, have a screaming fit, then retreat to the quiet of his house where he would slug back expensive scotch and lounge on his giant, wonderful bed. Instead Noah stared down at the folder spread out in front of him, his eyes scanning back and forth across the endless rows of tiny black letters.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Biophage: I'm dumb
I ran into the store to pick up some kimchi so I could make some stinky fish and rice. My brother was back in the car waiting in the summer heat, but I left the window cracked.
My brain was all "Kimchi, kimchi, kimchi, ooh sushi! kimchi, kimchi" and I was totally a man on a mission. So I stride through the store, dodging carts and catching a mean look from an old lady with her hair up. I don't think I've ever seen an old woman really have that fashion style in real life, with that gray haired bun, chunky black glasses, that old timey dress, and that pinched faced look. It was hard not to crane my head back around to get a better look, but I'm not that rude, so I keep on going.
Kids hanging on the front of grocery carts, making faces and looking utterly ridiculous while their parents just watched. My mom would have hissed me quiet by then and I would have just quietly hung on the cart and watched everything she did. Even though she wouldn't say anything, she would answer any questions I asked about why she chose this or that vegetable or fruit. Mostly I would just watch and learn and it's those skills I use when I'm buying groceries. I learned a lot as a kid just being quiet and paying attention. It made me want to tell those kids to shut up; instead I kept going toward the cooler display.
I weaved around the coolers in the Asian section until I found the open-faced displays. Rows of tofu, jars of plum sauce, and there the kimchi was. Jars and jars of kimchi. I zoomed right to them and focused on the Sunluck Spicy Hot. And land o' lakes, the price had dropped from $4.99 to $3.99. So instead of the two jars I was planning, I grabbed three just in case the price went up again in the next two days.
Holding all three jars in my hands, I stride back to the front of the store and the check stands. The glass is cold and a little sweaty against my palms and along with the air conditioning I feel like I've stepped into heaven. Which makes me feel guilty about my brother waiting in the car -- in and out, that's what I promised. In and out.
Ooh, it's the cute gay cashier. He's absolutely adorable with wavy black hair, olive toned skin, and a lilting tone to his voice. Today he's wearing clunky glasses with thick black frames and there's a silver chain around his neck. He's so clean cut and nice looking, like someone's BFF.
I plop my jars down next to the guy ahead of me's stuff and grab one of the rubber dividers. I kept my stuff carefully away from the guy's, then couldn't help peeking at what he had, mostly because whatever was in the clear plastic bag looked like something disgusting. It almost looked like crab claws for a second through the perspiring bag, then my brain translated what I was seeing, recognizing white spine bone against the bloody, white grained pink meat.
There's bloody chopped up fish parts in a plastic bag on the conveyer belt. Along with the fish parts are bottles of soda, ice, and bags of chips. My idea that it was camping gear was confirmed by the buyer himself, a good looking dark haired guy that looked like he might be in college or something. Tall, wearing light plaid shorts, a dark polo shirt, and no scruff on his cheeks, just baby smooth skin.
He was telling the cashier that he and his friends were going up to his dad's fishing cabin as he's being rung up. He's got a nice voice, a little preppy, nice boy voice.
Then he's loading his bags into his cart and I'm being rung up. The cashier zings the jars one by one across the scanner. "Is it hot?" He held up one jar, his expression curious. He's probably never eaten kimchi before; people are always asking questions when I buy it.
"It's not too bad," I say, running my card through the slot and hitting my pin. No money back, thank you.
I reach out to take my receipt and the bag, and the guy that had been ahead of me says, "I really like it and buy it all the time." He flashes me a pretty smile and his eyes run me up and down.
Instant fluster hits me and I duck my head. I say, "Uh huh," then flash the cashier one more smile. "Thank you."
And I leave. I got the hell out of there, and I wasn't more than two steps away before I was like "Wait a minute, I think he was flirting with me. That guy totally wanted to get to know me. And I just blew him off completely."
Then I was in the car and my brother was starting the engine, and I'm a complete and utter dumb ass. But that's always kind of what happens.
I have one of those faces that people just want to get to know. The super Asian, endearingly cute face, though I have to watch my weight or I end up looking like I should be selling soy milk. "Neko neko san, super cute soy milk FOR YOU!" Ching-ching.
The only problem is that I'm kind of screwed up when it comes to interacting with other human beings. I'm rude without meaning to be, I don't like praise or pander, I'm bossy, I can go from giggly hug button to icy mean, and I know that I'm a lot of work. Like a lot a lot. And it sucks because I don't mean to be that way, it just kind of happens, or it's just the way I come across.
Super adorable Asian doll woman with the personality of Nerdzilla. My life is hard.
Here's a recipe for kimchi-jjigae that looks pretty good. She's got lots of pictures and everything. So tasty! "Kimchi Stew With Pork Belly" from Kimchimari.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Korean TV
Maybe I'm taken back in time to when I was a kid. I remember sitting on the floor in front of a low table with my mom and her friends while they played cards. Then after a while, I would end up lying down on the floor and I would drift off to sleep to the sound of Korean ballads or badly recorded Korean TV shows.
My mom would wake me up and shove more bulgogi and kimbap down my throat and I would eat kimchi until my breath stunk, then I'd eat rice candies while we rode the ferry home. It just seems like every time I was around my mom's Korean friends, there would be food, food, and more food.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Triberr: The Bad Rap
I have used Triberr, but I think it's gotten such a bad reputation that I'm no longer going to be able to use it :(
I go through and read every single blog that I decide to repost from, but just having the Triberr link attached makes people not want to check out the sites. From now on, I think I'm just going to go through the various posts and do direct relinks from them instead. I'm sorry to Triberr because I hate dropping a product, especially one that does an excellent job, but something needs to be done.
Some people simply get infuriated by the Triberr name and they'll automatically drop anyone that uses it. I think I've already lost five followers on Twitter and I know I've lost one. Why? Because Triberr is a super spam tool, so it's pretty good that most people think that Triberr is the spammer and not their friend.
Monday, July 2, 2012
EXCERPT: Blood Wine, by Harper Kingsley [urban fantasy, horror]

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Things on my mind: Heroes & Villains
And my first attempt at that? Why, it's my Magnum opus "Heroes & Villains." I know it's pretentious, but that's kind of how I feel. There was this amazingly difficult undertaking and I went out and I got it done. I felt like Spike must have felt when he passed the tests and got his soul.
Like I could take on a troll with a flashlight.
Now I have to get the rest of the story out there because it's not finished.
"Heroes & Villains" is only when Vereint and Warrick meet, it's not the end of the story. It's the beginning.
It always makes me laugh and shake my head when people just kind of assume that once a couple gets married and settles down... their life is over with. Because it's not. There are stories after the story that are sometimes just as entertaining, if not more entertaining than the big ones.
Though I'm not saying "Allies & Enemies" won't be a big one. It is probably the biggest one with so much angst and vindication that it makes me kind of nervous. That is a stick of dynamite ready to go off, and it's bringing along the fucking awesome.
I want so bad to gush about "Allies" and just bring up all kinds of cool things but I can't. Not if I don't want to spoil the story. But I am terrible at keeping secrets and it's driving me crazy.
I've had a lot of fun building the world of "Heroes & Villains." There's just something so cool about a bunch of people with amazing powers just living like normal guys.
In the world of "Heroes & Villains" supervillains are all over the place doing all kinds of things, and sure, people get upset about the murder, but the metability is just a method to do it. Like a hammer or a gun.
No matter what happens, people are always going to find some way of killing each other. So how different would the world really be just because someone has an in-built weapon?
I think maybe there would be a bit more crime for a while, then things would settle back down.
Someone might be a villain with the ability to set things on fire with their mind, but they've gotta sleep some time. And there are always people ready to overthrow an empire or stop a bad guy. It just is what it is.
So in "Heroes & Villains" there are heroes and there are villains and there are a bunch of regular people just living their lives. And for the most part everyone just lives out their regular lives and no one freaks out about seeing a flying man.
There are some famous heroes as there are famous FBI agents. And some of them have side jobs as models and actors and whatever, using their hero fame to make a living.
Villains are just guys running around causing trouble and committing crimes. And when they get caught, they go to jail or get executed or lobotomized, but it's after a fair trial and a fair assessment of their abilities and the danger they are to the public at large.
It's not really made a big deal of in any of my stories, but my personal view of things is that there are heroes, villains, superheroes, and supervillains. They are completely different classes.
A hero is like a cop and a villain is like a petty criminal. Meanwhile, a superhero is the top of the heap, being both savior and celebrity, while a supervillain is a big time bad guy.
To me, Darkstar was mostly a villain. He was happy with stealing some money and having some fun. Then there were the times that he hurt or killed people, but that was mostly circumstance forcing him into the situation. He never set out to hurt anyone, he was just having fun.
In "Allies & Enemies" though, things take a turn and he becomes more of a supervillain than he's ever been before.
Like he's actually kind of freaking me out now and there's a real question of how far he would be willing to go if pushed.
Angel dream, Blue Dreams, Little Boy Blue
I had big white wings and I was flapping and flying around, then all these other angel-people showed up and they were flying with me and it was nice.
Then I just suddenly noticed that all the wings were different colors -- white, red, black.
I asked one of the other angels what it meant and he looked at me and told me the colors denoted the order of angel, of what they did.
White for order, the guys who keep everything running smoothly. They're the bureaucrats and the law makers.
Red the enforcers that bring the hurt on. They are the law.
Black the highest, the ones that give all the orders. They're the bosses.
And flying up there, it didn't seem so weird. The idea stuck in my head and I brought it back with me.
It was a case of a dream affecting the way I perceive the world. My brain gave me a message the only way it knew how. It took all this different imagery and fashioned a story that changed my life.
Science and a miracle.
It was shortly after that that I started writing "Little Boy Blue," which then preceded to go in a completely different direction than I intended. But that's what happens when you write without a plan, just let the words flow through you and take you where they may.
Free form writing is beautiful because it's like I'm reading the story with you. We're going on this journey together and neither one of us knows where we'll end up.
I get occasional whispers from my back brain, but it's like I'm Cassandra telling the future. No one believes me and things keep going as they will. To triumph or tragedy, who really knows.
Like even now I'm scared to finish "Residual Blue," the sequel to "Little Boy Blue." Because I've seen the future of that world and it's a terrible one.
I know the story needs to be told, needs to be wrapped up, but I can't seem to make my hands move. The images are in my head of how things play out, but I don't want to be the one to release them out onto the world.
Beautiful and terrible at the same time.
Biophage: I realize I'm not well
I'm happier on my own. Other people make me anxious. I just kind of cringe away from them.
At the same time, the thing I want most in the world is praise. I want to be told that I do a good job and everything is going to be okay.
I would be a submissive, except that even as I want to be told what to do, I strike out without thinking. It's just the way I was built, I guess.
I don't want human company, but I need the effects of human company. The rules and the orders telling me what I should do step-by-step.
That's why I liked working as a casino cashier. There was always a rule about everything, and if you followed the rules everything moved smoothly forward and there was no panicking and freaking out.
But now, it's just me by my self trying to figure things out.
I am scared out of my fucking mind. Like all the time. Just anxiety and terror ripping through me.
The fact that I owe shit tons of money does not make anything any different. It just is what it is.
My life is the suck. That's all I'm sayin'.
So take this whole messed up situation, and add a touch of mental illness. Just a touch. That's all I'll admit to.
To be honest, I'm actually pretty scared to go talk to anyone and ask for help. Even though I know I need it, I'm too scared to do it.
It's that whole "Anxious About Talking To Other People" thing I mentioned earlier.
Me being crazy has never been a factor in the rest of my life. It hasn't been.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
SHAME bitches: Fierce excerpt
SHAME -- the assault. Written in a very minimalist style. A very unpleasant read.
FIERCE -- two years later. The healing.
CONFLAGRATION -- the rest of it.
What I'm going to do is add "Fierce" and "Conflagration" to the already available "Shame," that way anyone who's already purchased "Shame" is good to go.
Also, since I know it's kind of a hot button and "Shame" is a very nasty feeling story, I'm going to just bundle "Fierce" and "Conflagration" into one ebook for the people that don't want the drama. I mean, it's not that hard to figure out what happened :/
Maybe I'll title it "Without Shame." *scratches chin* That's post-production work right there.
Anyways, back to work... (Though, quick question, does anyone want a beta copy of "Fierce" when I'm ready to share?)
"Fierce" excerpt--
Being on location was one of those things he used to love but that now made his stomach churn nervously. He didn't really like being out of his safety zone, but it was one of those things he felt he had to get passed.
Monday, June 25, 2012
"Echo," by Sol Crafter. Chapter Two. [mm contemporary romance]

Series: The Brownstone Diaries
Author: Sol crafter
Genre: mm contemporary romance
Rating: adult
Summary: Painfully shy, Cole Heath has always had a hard time connecting to people outside of his family. So when he meets Anderson Bester for the first time, he doesn't really think anything of it. He certainly doesn't imagine that he'll end up falling in love.
Read: Chapter Two
"Echo," by Sol Crafter. Chapter One. [mm contemporary romance]
Series: The Brownstone Diaries
Author: Sol crafter
Genre: mm contemporary romance
Rating: adult
Summary: Painfully shy, Cole Heath has always had a hard time connecting to people outside of his family. So when he meets Anderson Bester for the first time, he doesn't really think anything of it. He certainly doesn't imagine that he'll end up falling in love.
Read: Chapter One
"Book One," by L.A. Moore. Prologue + Chapter One [Estarion, sci-fi]
Series: Estarion
Author: L.A. Moore
Genre: science fiction, space opera, romance
Rating: Teen+
Warnings: m/f
Summary: The starliner Pollyanna has experienced a catastrophic nav failure and is marooned in the far reaches of space. On board is Lucieus Estarion, powerfully talented member of the Psi-Corps, that was on his way home. Now, he is the only asset the stranded passengers and crew have as they experience humanity's First Contact.
Read: Prologue + Chapter One
"Heroes & Villains," by Harper Kingsley. Chapter Eight. [superhero novel]
Author: Harper Kingsley
Series: Heroes & Villains trilogy (Heroes & Villains, Allies & Enemies, All That Remains)
Genre: superhero, science fiction, action, mm
Rating: Teen+ (violence, language)
Summary: Vereint Georges has spent his entire life dreaming of being a superhero and making a difference in the lives of the people around him. Unfortunately, his first venture into heroing doesn't go quite the way he plans and he earns himself an undeserved reputation for incompetence. From there, the recriminations start rolling in.
Is it any wonder that he might just chuck all the good and go for the bad? Because if people are going to treat him like he's crap, why should he go out of his way to save their lives? It's a lot easier being rich.
Read: Chapter Eight
"Heroes & Villains," by Harper Kingsley. Chapter Seven. [superhero novel]

Author: Harper Kingsley
Series: Heroes & Villains trilogy (Heroes & Villains, Allies & Enemies, All That Remains)
Genre: superhero, science fiction, action, mm
Rating: Teen+ (violence, language)
Summary: Vereint Georges has spent his entire life dreaming of being a superhero and making a difference in the lives of the people around him. Unfortunately, his first venture into heroing doesn't go quite the way he plans and he earns himself an undeserved reputation for incompetence. From there, the recriminations start rolling in.
Is it any wonder that he might just chuck all the good and go for the bad? Because if people are going to treat him like he's crap, why should he go out of his way to save their lives? It's a lot easier being rich.
Read: Chapter Seven
"Heroes & Villains," by Harper Kingsley. Chapter Six. [superhero novel]
Author: Harper Kingsley
Series: Heroes & Villains trilogy (Heroes & Villains, Allies & Enemies, All That Remains)
Genre: superhero, science fiction, action, mm
Rating: Teen+ (violence, language)
Summary: Vereint Georges has spent his entire life dreaming of being a superhero and making a difference in the lives of the people around him. Unfortunately, his first venture into heroing doesn't go quite the way he plans and he earns himself an undeserved reputation for incompetence. From there, the recriminations start rolling in.
Is it any wonder that he might just chuck all the good and go for the bad? Because if people are going to treat him like he's crap, why should he go out of his way to save their lives? It's a lot easier being rich.
Read: Chapter Six
"Heroes & Villains," by Harper Kingsley. Chapter Five. [superhero novel]
Author: Harper Kingsley
Series: Heroes & Villains trilogy (Heroes & Villains, Allies & Enemies, All That Remains)
Genre: superhero, science fiction, action, mm
Rating: Teen+ (violence, language)
Summary: Vereint Georges has spent his entire life dreaming of being a superhero and making a difference in the lives of the people around him. Unfortunately, his first venture into heroing doesn't go quite the way he plans and he earns himself an undeserved reputation for incompetence. From there, the recriminations start rolling in.
Is it any wonder that he might just chuck all the good and go for the bad? Because if people are going to treat him like he's crap, why should he go out of his way to save their lives? It's a lot easier being rich.
Read: Chapter Five
"Heroes & Villains," by Harper Kingsley. Chapter Four. [superhero novel]
Author: Harper Kingsley
Series: Heroes & Villains trilogy (Heroes & Villains, Allies & Enemies, All That Remains)
Genre: superhero, science fiction, action, mm
Rating: Teen+ (violence, language)
Summary: Vereint Georges has spent his entire life dreaming of being a superhero and making a difference in the lives of the people around him. Unfortunately, his first venture into heroing doesn't go quite the way he plans and he earns himself an undeserved reputation for incompetence. From there, the recriminations start rolling in.
Is it any wonder that he might just chuck all the good and go for the bad? Because if people are going to treat him like he's crap, why should he go out of his way to save their lives? It's a lot easier being rich.
Read: Chapter Four